ILUS - International Land Use Symposium 2023

Urban Analytics for Transforming Cities and Regions: Tools, Methods and Applications

4th-6th October 2023 at CEPT University in Ahmedabad, India


Steering Committee

Dr. Shaily GandhiCRDF, India 
Dr. Mehul R. PandyaISRO, India 
Dr. Mathias JehlingIOER, Germany 


Scientific and Technical Commitee

Assistant Professor Dr. Filip Biljecki National University of Singapore 
Dr. habil. Bénédicte BucherIGN/ Université Gustave Eiffel, France 
Dr. Juste RaimbaultIGN/ Université Gustave Eiffel, France 
Prof. Dr. Thomas HartmannTU Dortmund, Germany 
Associate Professor Dr. Jens KandtUCL Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UK 
Assistant Professor Dr. Judith VerstegenUtrecht University, The Netherlands 
Prof. Dr. Alexander ZipfUniversität Heidelberg, Germany 
Arup DasguptaGeospatial World 
Dr. Ajai   ISRO, India (former) 
Dr. Gaurav JainISRO, India 
Mr. Shashikant A SharmaISRO, India 
Dr. Shiv MohanIEEE GRSS, India 
Dr. D Ram RajakISRO, India 
Prof. Dr. Nitika BhakuniCRDF, India 
Dr. Shaily GandhiCRDF, India 
Mr. Avanish PendharkarCRDF, India 
Dr. Martin BehnischIOER, Germany 
Dr. Mathias JehlingIOER, Germany 
Dr. Sujit SikderIOER, Germany 
Prof. Dr. Marc WolframIOER, Germany 


Organising Commitee

Dr. Shaily GandhiCRDF, India 
Mr. Darshan ParikhCRDF, India 
Mr. Mohit KapoorCRDF, India 
Dr. Mehul R. PandyaISRO, India 
Mr. Manish ParmarISRO, India 
Dr. D Ram RajakISRO, India 
Dr. Rashmi SharmaISRO, India 
Dr. Mathias JehlingIOER, Germany 
Dr. Martin BehnischIOER, Germany 
Ms. Denise ErhardtIOER, Germany 
Dr. Robert HechtIOER, Germany 
Dr. Sujit SikderIOER, Germany 


CEPT University

CEPT University, Ahmedabad focuses on understanding, designing, planning, constructing and managing human habitats. Its teaching programs aim to build thoughtful professionals and its research programs deepen understanding of human settlements. CEPT Universitytakes its name from the 'Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology'. CEPT and the various schools that it comprises were established by the Ahmedabad Education Society with the support of the Government of Gujarat and the Government of India. The Governmentof Gujarat granted the status of Centre of Excellence (COE) to CEPT University in 2021.

Since its inception, CEPT has operated as an autonomous academic institution free to develop its academic programs. The University comprises five faculties. The Faculty of Architecture was established as the 'School of Architecture' in 1962. The Faculty ofPlanning, focused on planning in the public realm, was established in 1972 as the 'School of Planning'. The Faculty of Technology, which concentrates on engineering and construction, was established in 1982 as the 'School of Building Science and Technology'.The Faculty of Design was established in 1991 as the 'School of Interior Design'. It deals with habitat related interiors, crafts, systems, and products. The Faculty of Management was established in 2013 and it focuses on Habitat and Project Management.

CEPT University also undertakes advisory projects to further the goal of making habitats more liveable. Through its education, research and advisory activities, CEPT strives to improve the impact of habitat professions in enriching the lives of people in India'svillages, towns and cities.

CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)

The CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) was established in 2013 to better manage CEPT University’s research and consulting activities. It is the research and advisory arm of CEPT University and a multidisciplinary think-do-tank wholly owned by CEPTUniversity, Ahmedabad. Through these research and consulting pursuits, our faculty members make available their academic knowledge and professional expertise to external stakeholders including the government, public sector organisations, NGOs, communitiesand businesses.

CRDF, through its Centers, strives to enhance and deepen knowledge, encourage innovation and provide professional services. The different thematic verticals, identified as 'Centers,' work together to find answers to complex problems in the built environment.CRDF works in the areas of Urban Planning and Policy, Infrastructure Development, Water and Sanitation, Heritage Conservation, Climate Change, Sustainable Living, Affordable Housing, Advanced Geomatics, Building Science and Energy, and Urban Transportation.

CRDF has worked on more than 200 projects, such as Development Plans, Strategic Plans, Feasibility studies, capacity building, preparation of development control regulations and guidelines and various other assignments. Over the years, CRDF has worked withvarious levels of Government, multilateral institutions, bilateral agencies, and philanthropic organisations.

Center for Applied Geomatics (CAG)

The Center for Applied Geomatics (CAG) was established under CRDF in 2019. The Center emerged with a vision to leverage geospatial technologies combined with big data analytics to address challenges faced by our cities and built environments in this era ofdata science. CAG focuses on the application of geospatial technology in urban planning, urban infrastructure and natural resource management, geo-spatially enabled governance, Enterprise GIS, application in Smart Cities, and advanced applications of GIS andremote sensing in industry and research.

Cities in India are also increasingly employing geospatial analytics to map and maintain data on land covers, land use and urban expansion, as well as to coordinate and monitor city functions like waste management, public transport services, complaint redressal,tax collection in real-time. As India continues to urbanize and cities grow in size and population, the adoption of advanced technologies at scale to rapidly plan for serviced land and public infrastructure and efficiently manage municipal services, whilesafeguarding natural resources and environments will be imperative.

The Center aims to become a resource and knowledge hub for spatial data and promote, facilitate and support the application of geospatial technologies in interdisciplinary research, education, community and government services.

Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)

The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) is a non-university research centre and a member of the Leibniz Association. We contribute to a spatial development that enables humanity to thrive within ecological boundaries while ensuring planetary justice. Given the severity of the present global social-ecological crisis, our research aims to accelerate and achieve deep and encompassing transformations that shape sustainable and resilient regions, cities and neighbourhoods.

As a leading centre for advanced spatial sustainability science we develop cross-scale spatial information, analysis tools and knowledge, as well as policy- and planning instruments that enhance adaptive and transformative capacities in territories and places. To that effect we strive to elucidate the internal and external sustainability orientations of individuals, organisations and society, as well as their embeddedness in socio-ecological-technological spatial configurations. Our research and transfer activities draw on integrated mono-, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, and are reflexive of our role as scientists in spatial development.

Space Applications Centre (SAC)

The Space Applications Centre (SAC) is a major research and development centre of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

SAC's mission is to develop and apply space technology for the benefit of society. SAC has a wide range of core competencies, which includes the design and development of space-borne and air-borne payloads, space technology forcommunication, navigation, and remote sensing, and conducting research in earth observation,space science and planetary exploration.

SAC has made significant accomplishments, which involves the development of communication transponders for the Indian National Satellite (INSAT) and Geo Synchronous Satellite (GSAT) series of satellites, the payloads for the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN), the optical and microwave sensors for the satellites,signal and image processing software, GIS software, and many applications for Earth Observation (EO) programme of ISRO. SAC also played a key role in the development of the Chandrayaan-1, Chandrayaan-2,Chandrayaan-3 and Mars Orbiter Mission.

SAC is one of the leading centres forspace research and development in India, and its work is enabling India to become a globalleader in space, committed to using space technology to benefit society and to make a positive impact on the world.